सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं


The perfect shot

2 golfers are on the 18th Tee. The first man is taking a very long time to take his shot. Partner: Is anything wrong? Man: My wife is up there watching me from the clubhouse and I want to make this a perfect shot. Partner: Don't be ridiculous! You've got no chance of hitting her from here. 😂😂😂

The last wish

A father told his 3 sons when he sent them to the university: "I feel it's my duty to provide you with the best possible education, and you do not owe me anything for that. However, I want you to appreciate it. As a token, please each put Rs.1,000 into my coffin when I die." And so it happened. His sons became a doctor, a lawyer and a financial planner, each very successful financially. When their father's time had come and they saw their father in the coffin, they remembered his wish. First, it was the doctor who put 10 Rs.100 bills onto the chest of the deceased. Then, came the financial planner, who also put Rs.1,000 there. Finally, it was the heartbroken lawyer's turn. He dipped into his pocket, took out his cheque book, wrote a check for Rs.3,000, put it into his father's coffin, and took the Rs. 2,000 cash. He later went on to become a member of Parliament.😜😇😇

ये कैसा नूर है मौलवी साहब..!!

एक आदमी मौलवी के पास जाता है आदमी : मौलवी साहब कभी कभी रात कु अचानक नींद खुल गइ तो देखता हूं के, बेगम का चहेरा नूर से चमक रहा है रौशनी इत्ती होती के ब्लन्केट  के उप्पर से किरणे दिखती ये कैसा नूर है मौलवी साहब..!! मौलवी : अबे अपने मोबाइल कु पासवर्ड डालके रख, फोन चेक करती वो तेरा...!!!

ये ज़ालिम

Innocent Joke of The Year

बच्चा :  मम्मा.... मैं कैसे पैदा हुआ....? माँ : मैंने एक बॉक्स में मिठाई डाल कर रख दी थी, कुछ दिन बाद उसमें से मुझे तुम मिले । बच्चे ने ठीक वैसा ही किया....! और कुछ दिन बाद जब उसने जा कर देखा तो उसमें 1 कॉकरोच था.....! बच्चा गुस्से से : दिल तो करता है कि तुझे अभी चप्पल से मार दूँ ... पर क्या करूं ...!!?? औलाद है तू मेरी...

An ambitious MLA

An ambitious MLA phoned the Chief Minister's residence shortly after midnight. The CM's personal assistant answered the phone. "I need to talk to the CM... it's an emergency!" exclaimed the MLA. After some cajoling, the CM's assistant agreed to wake him up. "What is so important that it can't wait until morning?" grumbled the CM. "The other Minister just died and I want to take his place," begged the MLA. "Well, it's OK with me..if it's OK with the crematorium," replied the CM. 🙄🤔😟😜

The difficult choice

GOD asks Motu: "Now that you are old, you have to  choose either Parkinsons disease (haath kaapna) or Alzheimers (yaadaast khona) as punishment for your karma in this life." Mptu goes to Patlu who advises him to choose Parkinsons and says, "Its better to spill half glass of whiskey than to forget where the bottles are kept." Motu hugs patlu.