सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं


Art of Living

ै हममें सबसे तेज़ कौन है..??

एक बार अमेरिका , चाइना और भारतीय पुलिस में बात हुई की देखते है हममें सबसे तेज़ कौन है..?? : तय हुआ की जंगल में एक खरगोश छोडा जायेगा । जो सबसे पहले ढूंढ़ के लायेगा वही सबसे तेज़ होगा । . . : अमेरिका पुलिस ने खरगोश को 2 दिनों में खरगोश को ढूंढ़ लाया । . : फिर चाइना की पुलिस ने खरगोश को ढूंढने में एक हफ्ता लगा दिया..!! . : अब भारतीय पुलिस की बारी आई खरगोश जंगल में छोड़ा गया और भारतीय पुलिस 2 महीनें तक वापस नहीं आई..! लोग उनको ढूंढने पहुँचे तो देखा भारतीय पुलिस बन्दर को उल्टा लटकाकर बुरी तरह पीट रही थी..! और बोल रही थी - कबूल कर साले तू ही खरगोश है..!! हा हा हा

Never trust managers...

A wealthy manager was driving in his car when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed by the sight, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate. He asked one man "Why are you eating grass?" "We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied. "We have to eat grass." "Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll feed you" the manager said. "But sir, I have a wife and five children with me. They are over there, under that tree". "Bring them along," the manager replied. Turning to the other poor man he stated, "You come with us also." The second man, in a pitiful voice then said, "But sir, I also have a wife and seven children with me!" "Bring them all, as well," the manager answered. They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as it was. One of the poor fellows turned to mr. Manager and said, "Si...

आज तो दिन ही खराब है!

पति पेप्सी को सामने रख के उदास बैठा था पत्नी आयी और पेप्सी  पी गयी और बोली  आज आप उदास  क्यू है? पती :- आज तो दिन  ही खराब है! सुबह तुमसे झगडा हो गया , रास्ते में कार  ख़राब हो गयी , ऑफिस लेट पहुँचा! बॉस ने नोकरी से निकाल दिया.. अब सुसाइड करने के लिए पेप्सी में जहर  मिलाया था.. वो भी तुम पि गयी

Santa and IAS interview

Once a Bright and Intelligent young man went for an IAS (Indian Civil Service) interview. He was asked - Q 1. When did India get Independence? He answered - The efforts started long back; but could succeed in 1947. Q 2. Who were the persons, who played important role in this fight for Independence? Answer - There are many people, who were involved and contributed in this. If I give a name, it will be injustice to others. Q 3. Do you think, Corruption is the greatest enemy of the country? Answer - A committee is investigating in this matter. I can give a correct reply to this only after seeing the report. The Interview Board was impressed by his original ideas. They asked him to wait outside; but also advised him not to reveal the questions, as they may ask the same questions to other candidates also. When the young man went out of the room, Santa inquired about the questions asked. The young man said that he had promised the interview board not to disclose the questio...


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